Youth 419
We believe...
Our youth are not only the church of tomorrow but also play a vital role in the church of today. Our students are welcome to join us for a bunch of fun as well as a time of connecting with God and each other! Together we will seek the Lord’s guidance in His Word and His Presence in facing the challenges that are relevant to teens in today’s world.
Vineyard United, February 11-13
Regional Youth Event at
Heartland Conference Center in Marengo, OH
Cost is $145
Register at by Jan 17!
Vineyard United is a weekend event full of worship, engaging middle school and high schoool students from around the Great Lakes East Region who are interested in growing in their relationship with Jesus. We will spend the weekend discovering how to hear and discern the voice of God, as well as where we fit into His Mission. We hope that you will join us at Vineyard United which will be packed with great teaching, worship and fun activities.
Dedicated Team...
Our new youth pastor Mark Graalman is the long time drummer for the group Sanctus Real and is now adding youth pastor to his resume. Mark, wife Susan and his team are set on teaching the youth about the love of God and how to give that love away through serving our community.
Youth crammed into Mark and Susan's living that's detication!
The Vineyard is committed to raising up a generation of young people that will passionately worship our Lord! Who will do the things Jesus did and challenge those who are older to do the same. They will be on the worship team, ushering, working with the younger children and more.