Join Us

Become A Member Of Our Family
Our membership is not all that formal. We do have a 101 class that will introduce you to our values and beliefs. Then we ask you to show up, serve and support which are all things any community would expect. Church is a community...a community of followers of Jesus.
We at The Vineyard aim to ensure that you are introduced to and taught the teachings of our Lord Jesus so that you may become His disciple. There are many great churches in our area; we only strive to find our place in the greater community.
Our Beliefs
(...well some of them anyway.)
“Our passion is to imitate the ministry of Jesus in the power of the Spirit. This requires we must follow Jesus out of baptismal waters, through our personal deserts, and into the harvest. We want to take the ammunition of the balanced evangelical theology with the fire power of Pentecostal practice, loading & readying the best of both worlds to hit the target of making & nurturing disciples…” - John Wimber (late founder of the Vineyard)
We believe...
there are couple of commands the Lord left for the church. Communion and baptism. We see baptism as a step of obedience and a public display of our faith in the Lord Jesus. When we have said yes to Jesus we then follow Him in baptism.